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The most suitable TIG Arc Welder for nonferrous and ferrous metal welding. Developed for high quality and efficiency to satisfy the need for ultimate TIG welding quality and superior performance.

Welds: Steel, Stainless Steel, Copper, Titanium, Aluminum and others

Typical Usage: Tool or die repair, Vessel/tank fabrication, pressure valve or regulator/Train and Airplanes/aerospace

Features: Single phase input. Excellent welding effects with IC and Thyristor control. Good arc starting and stable arc characteristics, therefore it is most suitable for thin thickness plate welding. Special Compact Design but with handle and wheel. It is recommendable for easy welding job on site. Pilot lamp on front panel lights up during abnormal operation.

Input: 11.4 KVA 50/60 Hz

Duty Cycle 20% (may vary accdg to room temperature)

DC no load voltage: 65 Volts

DC output current: 5-160A

DC output voltage: 14-16V

DC initial crater current (TG): 6-160A

Initial current control: Available when crater control On

Gas after flow time 0.5-15 seconds (continuously)

Dimension (W x L x H): 400 x 460 x 520mm

Weight: 60Kg



HEADQUARTERS Syracuse, New York Tel. (966) 399-3414